What is this?

Green growth is a concept that combines economic development with environmental protection to sustainably improve the lives of human beings. It is based on the principle that growth should be achieved within the confines of the ecological limits of our planet, avoiding the overexploitation of natural resources. Green growth is directed not only towards increasing economic welfare and social equity, but also to creating equitable opportunities for present and future generations to enjoy healthy lives in harmony with the environment. This is pursued by investing in ecosystem services, incentivizing diverse innovative technologies, such as renewable energy sources and green production methods, as well as by promoting smart consumption habits.

See also: renewable energy, ecological economics, economic growth, carbon pulse, circular economy

Growth Until Not... | Frankly #7 8,220

Giorgos Kallis: "Cultural Surplus and ‘Dépense'" | The Great Simplification #52 6,311

Timothée Parrique: “Degrowth: Slow is the New Cool” | The Great Simplification #32 6,293

Sebastian Heitmann: “Gigacorns” | The Great Simplification #38 3,613